Last week was the successful inauguration of our Photo of the Week Contest and I thank all who commented and voted. I’m glad to announce that our Technical Designer, Roy Lorieo, is the winner with his photo below from the Smith and 9th Street subway station which, in fact, is the highest point on the entire NYC subway system. What a view!
So now, back to it . . . Following Roy’s winning photo, you will see this week’s submissions and again we call upon YOU to help us determine the winner. Please leave comments on this post below and tell us which photo is your favorite. You can simply cite your pick by number and ask your friends to write in too! And your mom! Tallying your comments will determine who wins.
If any of our readers or social media friends would like to participate in next week's contest, please email your photo(s) to [email protected] before Wednesday or at any time, really. If you are a winner, you will receive a signed copy of our newest book, THE ART OF THE PARTY. The only requirement is that you took the photo yourself.
Roy's winning photo.
Roy collecting his prize: A hug from the DSI Blondetourage. Not a bad prize, huh?
Here we go with Week Two!
These are all so amazing, they should all win. So much talent in nyc!
Posted by: BZ Schwartz | February 13, 2014 at 04:51 PM
Torn between 11 and 14, but will have to go with 11.
By the way , I have seen that artists work, in photo 3, and it is some great and so much fun.
Posted by: stacey baumer | February 13, 2014 at 06:46 PM
No 2, of course...
Posted by: susan wechsler | February 14, 2014 at 10:53 AM
Happy to see I made a cameo in #12! what a throwback. NYPL Birthday Party.
Posted by: niki | February 14, 2014 at 12:26 PM
#14 Rocks!
Posted by: Kat | February 15, 2014 at 04:32 PM
Dog watching dog ..... how can that not win :) my vote is for #5
Posted by: maria garcia | February 16, 2014 at 11:24 AM
-I have to go with 6! That is something I would do (can't believe I haven't already!)
Posted by: Grace | February 17, 2014 at 07:21 PM