We have a very clever bunch over here at David Stark Design -- so clever that I am constantly surprised and delighted to go to work every day and hang out with such creative forces. But not only is the group talented, they are also very competitive, so we are in inaugurating a Photo of the Week Contest starting TODAY.
Now I call upon YOU to help us determine the winner. Please leave comments on this post below and tell us which photo is your favorite. You can simply cite your pick by number, and ask your friends to write in too! And your mom!
Tallying your comments will determine who wins. We’ll make that determination by noon on Fridays, so don’t sit on your vote! Thanks for giving us your thoughts! We will be delighted to give the winner a big hug.
If any of our readers, would like to participate in next week's contest, please email your photo to [email protected] before Wednesday. If you are a winner, you will receive a signed copy of our newest book, THE ART OF THE PARTY.
I vote for number 8. Feels like this photo is from another era.
Posted by: stacey baumer | February 05, 2014 at 11:13 PM
-I love the aesthetic of Robert's photo! I vote #7!
Posted by: Grace Mangum | February 06, 2014 at 01:38 AM
Loving and voting for #8 :)
Posted by: Maria Garcia | February 06, 2014 at 02:01 AM
I have to go with #8 also...I'd hang it on my wall. It's just good. #5 is a close second for me.
Posted by: Lisa | February 07, 2014 at 07:46 AM
I vote for picture #5.
Posted by: Alexcia | February 07, 2014 at 03:38 PM
#7: the feeling I associate with a rocking chair is relaxed, cozy, and warm. The setting of the photo elicits the exact opposite. The image creates a juxtaposition of these feelings inside myself. It's familiar, but strange.
Posted by: Greg Amoresano | February 09, 2014 at 02:41 AM