We’ve been so busy with our new book, The Art of the Party, and getting through the holiday season, that we’ve fallen behind in our continued look at our Team within the world of David Stark Design and Production. Our next guest blogger is our talented Special Projects Designer, Corrie Hogg. When not tirelessly bringing concepts to life with her amazing magic and experimenting in just about every medium imaginable, her keen eye is constantly searching for inspiration under every rock and often right in front of our very eyes.
Here’s . . . Corrie!
I was in Atlanta over the holiday break and had the opportunity to check out MODA, the Museum of Design Atlanta. It’s a beautiful space on the ground floor of the famous 1315 Peachtree building. Full of light, and thoughtful details, the LEED Platinum certified building is an ideal location for the Museum.
The current exhibition, Paul Rand: Defining Design, was a real treat. It was great to see the evolution of some of the most famous and recognizable logos; images that I have become so accustom to, I routinely just pass over them. The exhibition was a good reminder to consider the person, thought, and work that goes into most everything around us.
Some of Paul’s most notable corporate identities are: UPS, IBM, Westinghouse and ABC just to name a few. It was nice to see the beginning stages of these images: pencil sketches and cut paper. In the age of Photoshop it was refreshing to be reminded how straightforward and effective working with simple materials can be and how rewarding the outcome. Paul Rand was a master at communicating complex ideas with a single image.
The exhibition was designed as a retrospective of all is works, videos and quotes. You can see a lot of his works and clips on the Paul Rand website. He was prolific in his long career … logos, magazine covers, posters, books, and paintings. It is a lot to take it but worth the time.
Here are some of my favorites from the show.
A quote of his I particularly responded to:
“Simplicity is not the goal. It is the by-product of a good idea and modest expectations.” – Paul Rand
Here in our studio, we spend hours brainstorming, sketching, making samples and prototypes for our events. Often, what we end up with seems to be the most obvious solution. But, that is always in retrospect. In the journey that it takes to find that solution is where we become wise enough to recognize that obvious choice. To me that is in part what he is referring to in this quote.
Hope you enjoy!