I love to surround myself with creative people who choose to live creative lives. Recently three people very important to me finished a short film, a video for the song “Un Dia con La Dama Del Pentagono” written and performed by Migguel Anggelo. Dando Valle, a Spanish director and photographer living in Miami created this elegant film and Violeta Stamenic stars in it. It was entirely shot in Miami and the song and the film are about a homeless woman that used to “live” on Lincoln Road. She claimed to have formerly worked at the Pentagon and was constantly “calling” the Pentagon on payphones or imaginary phones.
I am very proud of my talented friends and their accomplishment. Not because they are MY pals, but because they created something so, so beautiful: Art. The song and Miguel’s voice are stunning, Violeta walks the line between beauty and tragedy so amazingly, and the film itself is gorgeous, and a little scary. You can totally feel the white haze that the Pentagon Lady “lives” within, the cinematography is lush, and there are glimmers of happiness within the isolation and fear.
I keep thinking about it. And watching it again and again. BRAVO, guys.
Wow! It is beautiful! Very touching! And the voice is phenomenal!!
Posted by: Elena | June 26, 2012 at 05:44 AM