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June 13, 2011


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Awesome interview! She's very inspiring.

david stark

YES!!!! She absoloutely is! Thanks for saying!



very interesting...and inspiring...both the interview and your blog. Thanks David


Helene is amazing. It is a privilege and honor to know her. She is both a genuine artist and genuine person. A combination, so hard to find, but such a reward when it is.

john morse

always a good visit and (high praise alert) always inspires new ideas. this visit no exception.

Roberta Kesselring

Love it!

Mark Quinn

Helen is such a talented and wonderful person! I am honored to be her brother. David, thank you for posting this.


hooray, what a wonderful feature about such an amazing person!


What a beautiful art ! very artistic stuff shown out there! thanks for sharing, it is also a kind of motivation to the viewers.

WFG Online

Wow what a creativity..Helen Quinn is a brilliant stylist..Not only this..she has more creativity

Federico Pignatelli

Helen Quinn is a great artist.. In this creativity we can see your efforts..U did a great job..Keep continue this work.

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