I am in love with Migguel’s new piece entitled NERO, after the Roman Emporor who was said to have played the fiddle as Rome burned back in July of AD 64. Like his painted portraits of the females in his family, all personified flowers, this chair is one in a new series of portraits in which chairs take on living attributes.
I understand that recently when it was first placed in a gallery for a show, as it’s feet hit the floor, sparks flew!
I have heard many people say that it should be re-named HOT SEAT. I like NERO, though.
(photo by Dando Valle)
a terrific piece... old school surrealism.
Posted by: john dog | June 08, 2010 at 06:09 PM
Love this... do you know if the scale is regular wood match size?
Posted by: Peggy Bellar | June 09, 2010 at 10:00 AM