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September 16, 2009


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Melissa A.

I've been in that big basket building. I used to sell Longaberger baskets. The Longabergers are the one's who still own and run this company. The top is made of glass, so that when you are inside you fill like you are in a big basket. I just happened upon your blog and love your party designs. This is something I would love to do. I am constantly getting ideas to do things big as well. I have done a little decorating for a few events, but all volunteer. I would love to get paid for this.

david stark

Thanks for writing in, Melissa. I would LOVE to be inside that big basket. So cool!




So cool! :-) Love this!

david stark

Thank you!!!! Keep writing in and telling us what you think!



Danielle Nekimken

I agree completely!
Some of my favorite BIG things include:

Royal de Luxe - THe Sultan's Elephant


The stage at Austrian Bregenzer Festspiele’s 1999 production of Verdi’ s opera “A Masked Ball” was a giant book being read by a skeleton.

Of course there's so much more!


I loved Think Big!! I had the giant clipboard in my teenage bedroom. I remember flipping through the catalog and always wanted the pencil. Oh the 80s.

Ajf 4

The sky is clean clouds returns the love of the earth mother!

lilly pulitzer bedding

Even the word "exaggerated" fails to describe these humongous attractions! Thanks for this very entertaining post!

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