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I spent a beautiful time with pals a couple of weekends ago in Montauk, and the many farm stands that we passed on the way had huge sculptures of ears of corn standing tall and greeting the cars with a smile. It reminded me how much I love giant . . . well . . . ANYTHING.
My love for “giant” stuff started as a kid at the iconic 80’s Soho store THINK BIG. Every dentist’s office in America had a giant toothbrush in their lobby from the shop, and I thought it was super cool. I feel the same about roadside vernacular architecture where nutso oversized “things” hit the road. Here are some that I love below.
The above picnic basket is the world’s largest one, a building that is the home of a basket making company (but of course!) in Newark, Ohio.
The world’s largest chair (above) is in the piazza of Manzano, Italy. Manzano is a city of chair makers so this is quite apt.
Spokane Washington’s city park sports this ‘lil red wagon. (above)
I’m not really a doughnut fan as far as eating is concerned, but this L.A. icon has always sent me! (above)
Similarly, the artist Claes Oldenburg’s public sculptures change the context of a public arena with bold whimsy. Check these out:
We “blow it up” quite a bit in our events too . . . transporting our party guests with an Alice In Wonderland sense of scale shift. Check these out below:
This was our version of “The Bouquet of the Day” at one of Macy’s Flower shows (above). The last thing Macy’s needed from us was another pretty bouquet in a lovely vase. We surprised everyone with this oversized paint brush dipping into dripping “paint” created from thousands of fresh, red carnations.
A giant hammer of bubble wrap hovered in mid bang above the guests heads at a gala for the Museum of Art and Design. (above)
Here (above) a giant composition notebook becomes a powerful metaphor for the fine work that the incredible folks at New Yorkers for Children do in helping foster children on the road to an education.
This “bottle” was created from hundreds of recycled wine bottles for an editor’s preview event for the Eco countertop line. The countertops are created entirely from recycled glass, porcelain, and mirror, and our event schematic showcased various sculptures made from the raw recycled materials.
If anyone has any examples of giant things in the world that they love, send ‘em in. We’d love to see and be inspired by yours too!
Ok . . . We have our first BIG thing contribution (below) from Deborah who “used to drive by the Peach water tower en route to the Carolinas from Atlanta (back in my grad school days). It is located in Gaffney, SC.”
Thanks for sending in this cool addition, Deborah. Anyone else? Don’t be shy!