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June 08, 2009


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Aly Walder

i LOVE them!!!!!!!!!!!!

charo figueroa

these are awesome!

Ana Maria Seaton

Ok, I have to say it, these seriously ROCK! I love koi and I love the detail on these, the colors too. Clock kits are great fun, working on one on this end; I will be posting the process shots on my site soon. Hope your parents like them! Thank you for sharing, these are fun. hehe

Ana Maria Seaton

(((YAY!!! It posted! :::and there was much cheering::: BUT, Charo - it took 20 minutes for it to post it. LOL Something is still up, feel free to delete this one. Nice talking to you, drop me an email. Thank you!)))

Luciano Rocha

I just loved the number 10. It´s amazing. One of the best to me " Lunch Time " and number 3. That´s very nice. How paper is so present on ours lives!


Tasteless, just like Chris himself.

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